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More To a Lanyard Than Meets The Eye

In the world of promotional products there are all sorts of products. There are mugs and bags. There are USBs and speakers. You can also find pens and all sorts of knick knacks. With all those products there is, you would think it would be hard to choose a product when you are looking at giveaways and gift. All sort of questions are abound when you are trying to pick that next product. But you know what? Sometimes it is best to just stick with basics and choose the one product you know will always complement your line up. Although you may not use it exclusively you can at least throw it in with the lot. That product my friends is the lanyard. To be more precise it is printed lanyards.

Printed Lanyard

Printed lanyards are one of those products that has been around for years and years. You can almost not remember living without them, even though there was a time you had never seen one in your life. Then you got a job and one of the first thing you would have been given is a lanyard with a security pass to get you in the building. Or you went to a music festival and they gave you one with your pass. After that you would have been inundated with lanyards wherever you went.

A lanyard this and lanyard that. It became as if you were inundated with them and then all the sudden you realised how remarkable a product it was. A simple necklace made of polyester or nylon which you can around your neck. All the attachment that enhanced it like the breakaway clip and the j-hook. There is even a bottle attachment so you can attach a wine or beer when you go to the footy.

So it became that what was a simple printed lanyard became so much more. Printed lanyards might seem like an unassuming product. They may not even register as the most exciting product in the field or promotional products. What they are is a product which has many uses and will last the test of time. With it you will grow and experience all sorts of things in life. In the end it will go from being a simple lanyard to a treasure trove of memories.
